They consistently rank education as a top priority and worry more about education than almost any other issue. The good news is there are things we can do to improve education in Utah. Some are individual changes we can make, some will require all of us working together, and some are already being done but need to be scaled up. Our goal is to help everyone in Utah understand the specific things we can do to make sure all Utahns get the kind of education that leads to prosperous communities, strong families, and great quality of life.
Watch these videos and explore this site to learn what we can do to improve education.
Utahns said they want to significantly improve education in Utah by implementing a set of proven strategies.
Since then, Envision Utah has been working with some of Utah’s top education experts to identify specific actions that would make (or are already making) the biggest positive impact on Utah’s students. These experts—including representatives from school districts, universities, businesses, as well as the Governor’s Education Excellence Commission, Prosperity 2020, Education First, the United Way, and many other education-focused organizations—agree on a group of fundamental strategies. These strategies have been proven to work—in many cases right here in Utah.
In addition, Envision Utah conducted the largest and most extensive study of why Utahns care about education and what they expect from it. In sum, Utahns expect education to provide three things: a higher quality of life, the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their goals, and prosperous communities.

Envision Utah was founded in the late 1990s to invite Utahns to consider what they wanted Utah to be like in the future, and to help them get involved in creating that future. Thousands of Utahns participated, and we created a vision—a plan—to help us achieve the goals we all wanted.
We’ve been doing the same thing across the state for 20 years, and in 2015 we led an effort to create a statewide vision for 2050
Our main mission is to engage Utahns in creating communities that are beautiful, prosperous, healthy and neighborly now and for generations to come.
